Why Scanning or Digitising of Documents?
Most companies find it hard to search for their documents when most needed. Scanning of documents
helps in the removal paper from the office, digitize it, and enable a more streamlined business process.
With most Corporate Firms, Govt. Agencies, Financial Firms accepting scanned images (records), it
becomes imperative to have all the critical and important documents to be scanned. Scanning of document
is a one-time activity which reduces overall cost in data storage, space, manpower and valuable time.
Document scanning has quickly become the most accepted solution for records management. It’s more
affordable for businesses that are trying to keep pace with growing storage needs and have a huge backlog
of documents piled up throughout their offices. Scanning of documents helps in the removal of paper from
the office, reduces storage space, by digitizing it and enables for a more streamlined business process.
EDMS offers its expertise in scanning of documents and its storage. Documents can
be scanned in B&W, Colour or Grey Scale as the need may be.
Advantages of Scanning
A paperless office
Switching over to a digital filing system, enables your organization to be cost effective, save valuable real
estate and lower the expenses on office products, staff for the maintenance and retrieval of physical files
Commercial benefits
Switching over to a digital filing system will make your office more efficient, because you can share a
document with your team while they are sitting at their desks. Your team can make changes to the
document and return it to you quickly, instead of waiting for days to make changes to any document
A greener company
Switching over to a digital filing system helps in the reduction for printing of paper by paperless filing
system and minimising the impact on the environment. The organization moves one step ahead towards
achievement of Green Initiative and preservation of nature.
Ease of Communication:
Switching over to a digital filing system, it eases the mode of communication by retrieving the scan images
on one click, emailing the scan images and request physical retrieval on demand. Images of vital records
and disaster recovery plans can be eased. Unlike paper the quality of digital images is excellent, i.e., they
can be used for generations.
Ability to use very high-density storage media.
Shorter retrieval time than hard copy when the images are well indexed.
Multiple users and access levels are possible.
Ease of information broadcasting.
Ease of use of imaged copies of records in vital records and disaster recovery plans.
Organizations that need to retrieve information efficiently during detection and departments
may find that using imaged records can assist in the effort.
Digital images don't lose quality from generation to generation. Well made copies and derivatives can
be as good as the original images.
Onsite Scanning & Imaging Services
We understand that for some organisations, removing hard copies from the office can
Compromise the safety measures or privacy of data.
To overcome this, EDMS Information Conversion Services can assist with scanning projects at
your premises.
We provide state - of - the - art equipment to deliver the highest scanning quality along
with staff to complete the scanning leaving your employees to focus on their core
Not only does this guarantee a high quality outcome with utmost professionalism and
confidentiality, it eliminates the need to buy or maintain equipment, train staff in scanning and
there’s no delay if the assigned staff member falls sick.
Scanning Process
Once the client decides to appoint our services, we request the client to provide us the following:
Step 1:
Provide purchase order OR Sign an NDA with EDMS to commence work.
Inform us the day of scanning.
Keeping the required infrastructure ready for scanning of documents
Our team will be available at your site for scanning with the scanner machine
Step 2:
Preparation of Documents: - Cleaning of the documents, removal of staples, glue of the pages, etc
and making the document fit to be placed into scanner
Scanning of the documents: - Documents are scanned by batches and once scanned the
documents are repacked accordingly into the files/folders
Indexing:- We will work with you to conclude the most efficient way to index your documents. We
believe that every client’s needs are different and hence we will offer the most custom-built
Quality Control:-We will do a test on several documents to determine if any enhancements are
needed to produce the best quality image
Quality Control: - We will perform regular comprehensive checking throughout the entire scanning
process to ensure high quality assurance.
Saving the Data Output: - The scanned documents will be saved in PDF/TIFF format. The data will
be copied in external HDD or burnt into CD - ROMs or DVD – ROMs provided by the client.
Once the scan images data is handed over to the clients, the original documents are handed back
to the clients for further assessment.